Moving To New House During Pregnancy

October 27, 2022 By smith 0

It’s important to listen to your body and stay positive throughout the moving and pregnancy experience. While stress can’t be completely removed, these suggestions and more like them can help the move be less stressful. For further tips and a handy timeline on moving while…

Left Brain, Right Brain Activities and Exercises

October 26, 2022 By smith 0

Learning a new language can exercise the left hemisphere and singing can strengthen the right. Both activities rely on reading, for song lyrics and for studying the language in it’s written form. Reading activates both sides simultaneously and works to boost brain performance in its…

8 Signs You Have a Leaky Gut and Ways To Find Relief

October 14, 2022 By smith 0

We often take our gut health for granted until something goes wrong. For years, people believed that the gut was simply a passageway for food to travel through on its way to the rest of the body. But now, they know that the gut is…

Electrolyte Drinks vs. Plain Water: What’s the Difference?

October 11, 2022 By smith 0

If you’re like most people, when you think about staying hydrated, plain old water is probably the first thing that comes to mind. And there’s nothing wrong with that! Water is essential for keeping our bodies functioning correctly. But water might not be enough when…

How to Start Exercising: A Beginner’s Guide

September 6, 2022 By smith 0

Are you considering starting to exercise but don’t know how to begin? Maybe you have tried before and failed. This can be for various reasons, such as not knowing what exercises to do, not having the right equipment or feeling too self-conscious in a gym.…

5 Tips for Nurses Who Feel Like They’re Burning Out

July 30, 2022 By smith 0

Nurses have one of the most stressful jobs in the world, and, if you’ve given the field your all for many years, you shouldn’t feel guilty about feeling tired. This job can take a toll on you, but it doesn’t mean that you have to…

The Best Ways to Tackle a Long List of Chores

July 29, 2022 By smith 0

It’s cleaning day. The laundry baskets are overflowing, the corners are collecting dust bunnies and the bathroom is in dire need of a good scrubbing. We’ve all been there, and it can be overwhelming. Here are some guidelines to make your next cleaning day less…

11 Lesser-Known Ways Menopause Impacts You

July 27, 2022 By smith 0

Most of us know the common symptoms of menopause: loss of period, night sweats, hot flashes, mood swings, vaginal dryness, breast tenderness, and so on. But what you might not know is that menopause can affect almost every area of your life, from your short-term…

What Is My Skin Type? And How to Take Care of It

June 28, 2022 By smith 0

Hey there, skincare enthusiast! Have you ever gone to buy a skincare product, only to be overwhelmed by the different options? Or have you ever started using a new skincare routine set, only to find that it contains products that don’t work for your skin…

8 Ways for Improving Well-being at Work

June 20, 2022 By smith 0

Well-being in the workplace is important for both employees and employers. A healthy workplace can improve productivity, creativity and morale while reducing stress levels and absenteeism. There are many simple ways to improve well-being at work. We’ll discuss everything from addressing the health needs of…

5 Ways to Find Natural Health and Wellness Solutions

June 6, 2022 By smith 0

Do you ever feel like you’re stuck in a rut when it comes to your health? You’re not alone. It can be tough to know where to start when making changes for the better. But don’t worry; we’ve got you covered. From the benefits of…

12 Benefits of Moving to Assisted Living

May 12, 2022 By smith 0

We’ve all heard negative stories about assisted living facilities, and there are definitely some bad actors out there. However, when they are run with integrity, assisted living facilities can be hugely beneficial for both elderly people and their families. Here are 12 benefits of moving…